Project Information
In the early morning hours, a tractor-trailer was involved in a one-vehicle accident in Atlanta, Georgia. The tractor-trailer contained 85 drums of hazardous materials comprising various wastes. The trailer body was breached during the impact and 79 of the drums were ejected onto the ramp embankment between two interstates. Six to nine drums were breached, spilling their contents onto the soil within the highway median. Federal regulations were applicable to this incident, including Part 263 of 40 CFR. Also, state regulations Solid Waste Disposal Act, Toxic Substance Control Act and the Hazardous Site Response Act were possibly applicable.
City of Atlanta
Trucking & Automotive
Atlanta, GA
Emergency Response Mitigation
Emergency response activities were initiated, including the collection and over-packing of all drums and the excavation of impacted soil. Approximately 223 tons of soil were excavated and containerized in steel rolloff containers. All mitigation, cleanup and site stabilization activities were complete within 72 hours of the spill.
Laboratory analysis of soil samples including RCRA Total Metals and TCLP Metals indicated that metals in soil were remediated by the removal process and remaining levels of metals were indistinguishable from background concentrations. Minor concentrations of volatiles remained in the soil. Upon presentation of the preliminary investigation and laboratory data to the Georgia Environmental Protection Division Emergency Response Program Manager, a ”No Further Action” was awarded.
Hazardous materials spilled on an Atlanta interstate were successfully remediated in three days. This quick and successful response resulted in a “No Further Action” awarded by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division Emergency Response Program Manager.