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Designing a Superior
Client Experience
Since 2014, I’ve had the fortune of doing five 500-mile hikes through France and Spain on the legendary El Camino de Santiago, or “The Way.” These trips have taught me more about business than decades of running one.
Here’s what I’ve learned:

Scott Pate, P.G.
President/CEO, Sierra Piedmont
Action-Oriented Technically-Strong Services
Sierra Piedmont has completed thousands of projects for a variety of clients, nationwide. Project size has ranged from undeveloped land to million square-foot manufacturing facilities. Regardless of what type of site or business you are in, Sierra is committed to designing a Superior Client Experience for you.
Due Diligence
Phase I ESA, Phase II ESA, Property Acquisition Package
Of all the services that environmental consultants offer, in our opinion, ESAs represent the greatest opportunity for legal exposure to both the consultant and the client.
Environmental Compliance
Compliance, Audits, Plans & Permits
Sierra Piedmont is your compliance partner, starting with awareness, taking you through training and implementation, resulting in full compliance with all regulations.
Soil & Groundwater
Investigation, Monitoring & Modeling, Remediation
Environmental compliance can be met through monitoring subsurface conditions and assessing how they measure up to local and federal regulation.
Environmental Training
On-Site & Virtual Training
Trainings are designed to ensure on-site personnel operate according to best management practices and maintain compliance as it pertains to facility-specific requirements.
Coast to Coast Coverage

Whether it be Boise or Boston, Sierra is well-positioned to handle each of your facilities.
Our Reputation Speaks Volumes
We have assembled industry-specific teams with detailed knowledge of regulatory agency requirements throughout the US, and the trusted expertise needed to address the unique needs of each of our clients’ markets.
Average Client Tenure in Years
Number of Facilities Visited in Last 10 Years
Percentage of Annual Revenue from Existing Clients
Percentage of Satisfied Customers (We’re working on the other 10%)
“Sierra Piedmont has an extensive skill set and knowledge base that we can use to help with our environmental compliance.”
“I have worked with Sierra Piedmont since 2000. They are a highly-valued resource and provide a wide range of services including due diligence, soil and groundwater investigations and remediation services.”