I write to you with health and well wishes for you and your families. As this is an unprecedented event in our lifetimes, I wanted to reach out and offer some clarity in regards to COVID-19 and Sierra.
During this time, Sierra is operating at full capacity and continues to position itself as relationship-driven and action-oriented. We are acting in accordance with state and federal laws for flattening COVID-19's curve. The majority of our staff is working remotely whereas the rest have found virtual alternatives to performing their daily tasks. Because you come first, it is imperative to us that we both continue implementing the CDC and WHO guidelines for mitigating the spread of this indiscriminate virus and be available to you.
Most importantly, however, we understand how disruptive this virus has been; we are working industriously to be safe, be healthy, and produce results.
Sierra is here to serve you not only as a firm, but as a friend.